About This Game After civilization has collapsed and only left ruins, surviving in this environment is a particularly difficult challenge. As single player, you have to gather useful items from buildings, cars and the environment, construct tools, grow your own food, go hunting and fishing.Game FeaturesHuge, open world: The environment including buildings is procedurally generated, a 120 square km wide area (= about 75 square miles). Bow hunting: Construct a bow and you will be able to go hunting. You can create arrows of various properties to achieve different effects. Grow your own food: You can create your own farm, and grow potatoes, carrots and other food. Winter / Summer cylce: Due to the tremendous side effects of the war causing the collapse, summer and winter both only last a few days. You have to adapt to this and gather enough food during summer to survive each winter. Head Quarter: Choose any building in the world and make it your headquarter. You can store items there, and bug in during the winter. Dynamic day / night cycle: Temperature, amount of sight and behavior of wildlife significantly depends on this. Chop down trees and harvest wood, for keeping warm during the winter, constructing tools or creating fires. Light sources: You can use match sticks, torches and lamps (if you can find batteries) during the night. Or build a camp fire. Fishing: Construct a fishing rod and you will be able to go fishing. Tasks to solve which guide you through the game play and show how everything is being done. Currently, there are 16 tasks impemented.The game is single player only and was designed like this, so that no other player is able to ruin your experience. This game also doesn't include any zombies. 7aa9394dea Title: PostCollapseGenre: Adventure, Indie, SimulationDeveloper:AmbieraPublisher:AmbieraRelease Date: 11 Jan, 2018 PostCollapse Torrent Download [License] I have just found this nice little game and decided to give it a try out and add it to my Early Access Showcase section of my Youtube channel.For an early access game still in development it is very playable and easy to get along with.It makes a welcome change to have a survival game with no zombies in it but still have the danger of wild animals and a sense of having to survive.From what i understand so far is you need to gather food, water & materials and set up a headquarters or base before the winter sets in to survive. You can do this by searching containers, hunting, fishing and crafting.Obviously there is a lot of room for improvement to the game and I am very interested to see how this game develops and what will be added in the future. For now though it is a very nice low price and one to keep in your Steam library and watch the development.My full playlist for this gamehttps:\/\/www.youtube.com\/playlist?list=PLJcmAk9VUnqlnaMwbBv_WSGH3b-WaloNBWatch my first look video herehttps:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ji6AlpJ52oo. first thoughts.1. good controls interface.2. the eat, drink bars go down a tad to quick , feels like you constanly doing both most of the time.3. good sounds, graphics , for this type of game.4. needs small compass at top page very easy to go over were you been a lot.5.survived my 1st winter yeeeeeeeahhhhh. im a prepper ! boom.5. more updates , later on . but for now , a nice little game . cheers.tip. could you add a red symbol for your headquarter on the map please. hard to find in a huge city. also there no warning when the bear attacks you he just jumps on you . (add bear sounds) maybe add wolves just at night ? (faster than bears ) should least see him coming at least.things maybe to add - icid rain , standstorms - (random times) snakes , rats , (poisonous ) bear traps.antibiotics , to combat poison. weapons - rifle, knife , bullets.. Overall I like this game although there are elements I'd like to see altered. It's not terribly expensive and it's still being improved which makes it absolutely worth buying in my book. I like a survival game without zombies (it's a nice change).I like the leveling and crafting elements.I don't like the way "sleepiness" is handled.I'd like to see winters be a time when we can work on crafting skills if we build up enough supplies.I'd like seasons to be longer. It would be really nice to have the seasons closer to those in Project Zomboid where we go through the months with each day being an hour or so long. It would also be nice if there were more of a storyline (maybe finding recipies in libraries or hunting down clues for a survival compound.) It would also make a great format for a multi-player game.. there is something magical about this survival game...music, atmoshpere, old school feel, all is in here...I would call this a fast survival as you need to drink sleep and eat food very often, yes a fast survival.I wish the dev good luck and fully support, kudos ). I've played many survival games, but this one is as basic as they come. Eat every 5minutes, Scrabble like hell to find what you need to make a home base- or die of exhaustion because you cant sleep without one, no crouch, no run toggle, ou never see anything you pick up (inventory contents are text), walk around in bland surroundings.Walking,eating,sleep simulator 2017.. Not bad, but still needs improvements. I don't like the fact that after the winter is over I lose a lot of stuff from my cupboards. I know some of it is used to survive the winter, but that much, takes too long to stock up. Has some graphics glitches but nothing too serious. The towns are too repetitive, needs different buildings made out of different materials. I'm giving it a thumbs up because it has a lot of potential to grow and become much more enjoyable. Definately needs more animals. All i've come across so far are pigs, rabbits and dears. I know it's still early days yet so i'll just be waiting for more content to be added. Still enjoyable to play.. Needs quite bit of polish but it's a solid and atmospheric survival game with a particularly good sense of solitude. I'm hoping the developer might add options when starting a new game to adjust the global speed, even playing in hardcore mode it still feels like time is moving too fast. The game has a vast procedural world but these time constraints mean that you never have much time for exploration because you need to sleep every few minutes, hope this will be adressed in the future. Great game though!!. Very early days for this project but I can see potential.No zomies to avoid and perhaps a true survivalist adventure is in the making.A little atmospheric music helps as you explore but watch out for those bears !!!The current storyline is basic but again, if you buy into this early access version, you can put your ideas straight to the developers.It gets a thumbs-up from me.
PostCollapse Torrent Download [License]
Updated: Mar 18, 2020