About This Content Those who forged the Crown have returned! Great treasure and great peril arise from the burning depths. The Ifrit have risen from their underground kingdom to consume all the land in flaming death. They will not stop until every field is burned to ash and every surface dweller is clapped in chains of brass and taken down to the flaming caverns below. The Firelands expansion offers Talisman: Digital Edition players 81 new Adventure Cards, 19 new Spell Cards, 19 Terrain Cards, 3 Alternative Ending Cards, 4 new characters, and firelands tokens representing the expanding conquest of the Ifrit across the land. Will you be able to extinguish the flame? 7aa9394dea Title: Talisman - The Firelands ExpansionGenre: Indie, RPG, StrategyDeveloper:Nomad GamesPublisher:Nomad GamesRelease Date: 1 Feb, 2017 Talisman - The Firelands Expansion talisman firelands expansion review. talisman the firelands expansion. talisman the firelands expansion rules Good value for the price, especially compared to the single character expansions. All 4 of the new characters are interesting enough to want to play, and the new mechanics add a considerable twist to the game - desert spaces appearing randomly can really mess up the map and make the game more brutal. Bear in mind, the more you have active at once, the less impact each one has on the game as their cards are diluted in the deck.. I quickly regretted including this expansion's deck in the game when an Ifrit Sultan was drawn and the entire Outer Region turned into a flaming hell that was impossible to pass. I don't have a complaint with the characters, but the fireland token mechanic, especially with the Ifrit Sultan, is enough to turn a game unwinnable if drawn at the wrong time. Lord help you if you make the mistake of removing the Ifrit Sultan without actually fighting it - that'll make all the tokens he left behind permanent until removed by some other means. If you're getting this expansion, do it for the characters and leave the deck itself out of the game. ESPECIALLY do not include with other expansion decks - that'll remove most of the chances of getting any of the counters to fireland tokens.. If you like to rage while you burn in a hell fire, this is the exspansion for you! This exspansion has made my game a living hell! the fireland tokens get out of control WAY to quickly and makes a decent round of talisman unplayable. Would not recomend this exspansion.. One of the most interesting expansions. New rules, changes to original game, deadly. Very interesting new items that support the burn mechanism.And the secret endings are fun.I suggest to play it without other expansions although. Its too chaotic the burn mechanism.And play it with friends!. Very good dlc, I managed to balance the game by turning the city armory into a desert so noone can have the mystical FLAIL. Although there is a couple bugs the major one I found was:- The Devout Blacksmith burning a card and NOT allowing a selected "Gold bags" or the "Infrit Gold" Cards to give any gold. thus wasting a object for no reason, Bots love to do that for some reason. (Fixed by Latest patch)Edit: Bug fixed. Nice idea to give the choatic talisman more of a concept... Well, it was a try, but failed. Firelands is way to unbalanced.There are too many enemies with a power of 6 or more, even the ones with lower power get boni so quickly, that they are massivly overpowered. The burning lands spread out too quickly, so you get burned and die with only a few chances to do something about it.. If you like to rage while you burn in a hell fire, this is the exspansion for you! This exspansion has made my game a living hell! the fireland tokens get out of control WAY to quickly and makes a decent round of talisman unplayable. Would not recomend this exspansion.. Very good dlc, I managed to balance the game by turning the city armory into a desert so noone can have the mystical FLAIL. Although there is a couple bugs the major one I found was:- The Devout Blacksmith burning a card and NOT allowing a selected "Gold bags" or the "Infrit Gold" Cards to give any gold. thus wasting a object for no reason, Bots love to do that for some reason. (Fixed by Latest patch)Edit: Bug fixed. One of the most interesting expansions. New rules, changes to original game, deadly. Very interesting new items that support the burn mechanism.And the secret endings are fun.I suggest to play it without other expansions although. Its too chaotic the burn mechanism.And play it with friends!
Talisman - The Firelands Expansion
Updated: Mar 18, 2020
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