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Wooden Floor 2 - Resurrection Download Setup Exe


Updated: Mar 18, 2020

About This Game "Wooden Floor 2 - Resurrection" is a first person horror/mystery adventure game. Just like the prequel this game is pretty much an one man project by me (Pheenix93). The game is telling the story of Andrew Winter, an alcoholic living in a small cabin near the woods. He keeps having nightmares about an abandoned place that seems familiar to him. You have to reveal the dark secrets that are hiding in the abandoned mansion on top of the hill in Blackdust Field.Are you able to find out the truth hiding in the deepest insides of the house?"Wooden Floor 2 - Resurrection" is the sequel to Wooden Floor, telling the other side of the story and completing the puzzle. Features of Wooden Floor 2:Multiple endings!Different playthroughs as the game changes upon choices you make, your behaviour and at certain points randomly More interaction with the world Secret riddles in game that may open up new possibilities for you (if you are able to reveal them) Improved story telling in comparison to Wooden FloorDifferent locations Useable items Big improvements to graphics and gameplay! Besides all this there is still potential to add more content to the game once i feel like its about time. So there may be more to come... 7aa9394dea Title: Wooden Floor 2 - ResurrectionGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:pheenix93Publisher:pheenix93Release Date: 11 Jan, 2016 Wooden Floor 2 - Resurrection Download Setup Exe wooden floor 2 resurrection. wooden floor 2 - resurrection badge It's games like these that I wish there was a "neutral" option for, instead of just positive or negative. While I was disappointed that this game didn't really do anything to explain the events from the first game, and in fact, made me more confused about the series, I can't help but still be intrigued by the world that the developers have created. It's a place filled with the supernatural, but it feels like it belongs there, if that makes sense. In my opinion, Wooden Floor 2 was not as good as the first one. I feel that they actually took a couple steps in the wrong direction - the suspense that was conveyed in the first one is virtually absent in this one. Only one part made me feel tense for about five seconds, and then it was over. They also didn't really improve much from the first one that I saw, aside from adding in an almost unneccessary inventory system and allowing for multiple environments (although only in the first chapter). The graphics and the sounds were good, as was the mechanics of the game, although the puzzles were pretty easy. I did take issue with the fact that sprinting and jumping wasn't available after chapter one, and (just like the first one), you aren't able to look all the way down. But overall, it plays well. It's very short too, by the way. I was able to beat it in about 50 minutes, and that's after taking my time to look at every detail in the game. Although, there are multiple endings, so that will tack on a little more time if you decide to try to get them all.I would recommend this game if you enjoyed the first one, but unfortunately, you'll probably be disappointed. If you didn't play the first one, I'd say you're better off getting that one instead, but if you do decide to get this, don't worry; you don't really need to be familiar with the first one. It doesn't really seem to have the same storyline, that I could tell anyways. Also, try to get it on sale. For the short playtime, I don't think that $6 is really justified.. A little spooky at times but fairly mild in content.. short, not very good at the 'horror' aspect or any real 'story' to speak off. The puzles are super easy. The first one wasn't great but it was better than this garbage. and the want £4+ for it?? (I got mine in a humble bundle) not worth the was alright.. Not sure if the floor is wooden or not, but I know that the menu and lighting need resurrection.. I'm not normally one to play a series of games out of chronological order, but given that this was brand-new and severely lacking in reviews thus far, I figured that I might as well try to get in early. Unfortunately, my experience with THIS game makes me less than excited about playing the FIRST instalment... Simply put, this is one of the least "user-friendly" games that I have ever played. First of all, there's the nutty controls. Navigate the menu by pressing SPACE, then hit Enter to select an option? WHY?! Then there's the fact that I don't think I've ever endured a game where it's so darn hard to INTERACT with anything. I mean, the game tells you to "press E", but neglects to mention to "be especially pedantic about where you point the cursor", even when trying to open a DOOR for \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665's sake (hint: you have to hit the handle as PRECISELY as humanly possible)!! Then there's the fact that the "sprint" button, for reasons unknown, only works outdoors, making interiors sometimes tiresome to traverse. Oh, and whatever you do, DON'T ACCIDENTALLY PRESS THE ESCAPE BUTTON, or you'll be quitting the game...which is especially bad, since... THERE ARE NO SAVE POINTS. There are Chapter headings, so you can jump to one of four Chapters...but I only found this out by reading a thread in the Community Hub, and even then you have to scroll down the Chapters to work out which one you want, as they're rather unhelpfully identified with screen-shot images rather than titles such as, say, "The House, Part 1". Again, not exactly "user-friendly". Some more bad points (yeah, sorry, not quite finished yet)! Despite the fact of the sound being otherwise admirably atmospheric, your footsteps make NO SOUND AT ALL on the wooden floors of the title (or on any other surface, for that matter). Furthermore, there are moments where spectacularly dramatic and almost UNBEARABLY LOUD music kicks in...even though nothing in particular is happening at that very moment in the game. As a matter of fact, the SOUND, on the whole, is a lot more startling than anything that actually happens visually or event-wise: Many is the time that an intended "jump-scare" passed me by, in an "Oh, did something just happen?" kind of way. Definitely not a good thing in a horror game. That's the bad. Now for the downright UGLY. Not only is this game borderline unplayable, for me personally it was UNCOMPLETABLE. Twice I verified the game cache, and even went back and re-completed the Chapter in front of it - thankfully all of two to three minutes in length - and STILL the final Chapter failed to finish for me. Try these phrases on for size: "Lighting needs to be rebuilt", and better yet, "Paths need to be rebuilt". Meaning I went through a door to find nothing but a huge black void, mercifully insta-killing me when I dared step into it. It's alright, though...a quick peek at someone else's walkthrough tells me I missed all of two minutes' gameplay, during which - surprise, surprise - absolutely \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665-ALL HAPPENS. Now, there ARE a few good things. The graphics are, for the most part, rather nice, and the puzzles and\/or miscellaneous mind-\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665ery that some of the bits get up to are upon occasion a tad interesting (e.g. architecture which changes while you've got your back turned, that kind of thing). But there's not nearly enough inspired ideas here to justify a purchase, especially when I'm surely not the only person on the face of the planet whose computer will stubbornly refuse to even allow me to reach the end (just look in my games list and\/or reviews to see how many games I HAVE completed, so I'm sure it's safe to say it's not my rather expensive laptop that's at fault). I probably would have given this a bare-bones pass if it wasn't for the aforementioned problems, and for a better game I may have gone so far as to report the technical faults to the developer...but for THIS game, I honestly couldn't give two \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665s. Actually, not even one. Mediocre at best, even if the darned thing DID function as intended. Verdict: 4\/10.


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